
I got the request if I wanted to make a wooden handle for an espresso machine. They people in question wanted a dark wood and Iron wood was the first one that came to mind. Eventually I picked out Curaçao de Negro. I found it at the timber in Akkrum and it’s much harder then Iron wood. It also has a very deep and rich dark colour which will darken over the years.

The second challenge was to got the original handle of the cupholder. I put it in hot water and used an allen to screw it loose. I used the right size bolt (m12), but had to cut it. After that I drilled a hole in the wood and made it fit the cupholder.

After that I made a template with the right diameter to use on the lathe (the white piece of wood on the photo) and screwed the wood on top of it. After that I made the first trial handle.

This one was slightly of centre, but that didn’t matter. I knew now that my method was working.

This is what the second handle looks like. It fits perfectly and it’s centred.

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